Website favicon, How to make a Favicon
by The Final CodeTotal Control now supports Favicons. Add a nice touch to your website with Favicons. Some people do inquire about how to make a Favicon, and with Total Control it is really as easy as uploading an image.
A “Favicon” is that tiny image that you see in the left corner of tabs in a web browser window. Not every website uses them, so if you have several tabs open some may have a small image in the left side of the browser tab and some may display a small dotted-line box which is empty - this indicates the missing favicon.
Depending on which operating system and web browser is being used, the favicon may also be displayed next to bookmarks in a web browser, next to URLs in the address bar, next to URLs in the web browser’s “History” file, next to URLs in the address drop-down bar list, or as a desktop icon if a shortcut to a web page is placed on the desktop. As stated, these functions are browser and operating system dependant, and at the time of writing none of the most popular web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari) support all six of the favicon features mentioned, but they all support some of the favicon features.
Favicons may seem like an afterthought to a website, but they really do help to add a nice flair to the site. Having a favicon next to a bookmark or URL may encourage users to check back to your site. If a user has hundreds of bookmarks the favicon can really help your site stand out.
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