WordPress and Open-Source Plug-In Widget Crashes
by AdministratorJust wanted to share with any interested users a bit of information about some open-source websites and the widgets and plug-ins that many of them use. Typically, each plug-in is created by individual third parties and all may not necessarily interact seamlessly.
We consulted with a client today who had over ten separate plug-ins from various developers running on their site. A newer version of one of these widgets was released so she "updated" it and unwittingly caused her site to malfunction in the process. Updating or changing the configuration of plug-ins and widgets can cause unforeseen malfunctions and site crashes. With WordPress for example, updating to a newer version of WordPress can also cause plug-ins to crash.
If you've experienced any of these issues we encourage you to contact us to discuss great alternatives to open-source with plug-in / widget style website formats.